Fung Story

Simple Life, simple Day and the Only Simple Fung


Wow..Its was long that i din update my blog edi.. coz nothing special happen in my life have started for about 3 week edi.. but seem like i am still same like be4.. playful..sitll haven change my attitude to concentrate on my study leh.. haiz.. when i gonna changed this leh?? hope i wont be too late for me.. So last friday i have go to cafe rosita for a buffet dinner. Its realli a sudden plan be4 going to buffet me and ah gan, cheewai, david and alvin go to Lutong Club to ply basketball. After basketball, we decide to go to have dinner and we are struggling for deciding whr to eat.. And i cincai say go dynasty eat buffet lar.. mana tau..chee wai say ON wor.. haha.. that time i felt so happy coz i wanted to go to dynasty buffet long long time edi.. Coz i desperate on the delicious food thr.. hehe.. and funny thing was.. we swaeting badly after ply basketball and me ah gan and alvin din plan to go home to change cloth be4 go to dynasty..eww.. u can imgaine 4 smeelly guy walk in dynasty HOTEL for BUFFEt.. haha wad a funny scene it was.. David feel pai seh wif it and he plan to go take a bath be4 go lor..den i also folo to his house and have a bath sin lor.. i have bring extra cloth luckily but no extra shorts lar.. David bring some cloth for alvin and ah gan lor.. We wear till so casual go thr.. haha..all wear shorts and juz one t-shirt den go to buffet edi.. haha..juz only david lar.. wear nice shirt long trousers.. We walk in cafe rosita..luckily no muhc plp look at our wears lar.. haha.. after settle down it was oredi 8.30pm..we quickly go and pick some food and we are realli hungry edi..keke..We chit chat at thr and have a nice night bluffing at cafe rosita.. Here are some picture of the night..din take much picture, cause i forgot to take picture in the end coz busy eating food.. haha..sorry about that..kaka..

My 1st plate of food..look ugly and unhealthy..haha..

Alvin~ Kena curi gambar while eating..haha..

Chee wai~delicous food...hehe..


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Fung love his life, enjoy his life, hoping the world is wonderful for him