Fung Story

Simple Life, simple Day and the Only Simple Fung

22 luh...its just start.. till now i sitll feel ok lar.. haha..two day holiday sitll din make me feel bored. Monday i went to aiport fetch my two sot sot d fren, ah gan and kiat wei.. two funnie guy who owes chat on9 non-stop but nvr meet each other in real life be4.. haha.. begin, i still tot they two will shy wont tlak with each other.. mana tau.. haha.. out of my expectation.. they talk non stop in plane edi.. haha.. Kiaw wei sot one.. bring so many thing come bek to miri.. whole desktop all moved back to move house..haha..luckily my Myvi enuff to fetch all those laguage. Kiat Wei bring me the yam moonckae tht i ask him to buy.. wow.. the mooncake realli nice o.. the taste is delicious.. night.. i go jingwu with my high school fren..same as urself lar.. haha..whole dinner crappping non stop.. lol.. jingwu liang teh so hao dirnk..i dirnk two bottle le i guess..haha.. nice also lar.. i long time din go out with hihg school fren le..haha..looking forward for saturday bbq..can c much more high school fren le..haha hope it will be a nice day bah..


Hello everyone, its been long time i din blog le lor... i juz finish my evo assignment and my mid term test.. gosh, i did bad in both of them.. haih... My programming totally dunno how to do leh.. din expect this year mid term so so hard.. realli hope lecturer wont so stirct on marking if not i gonna suffer in this unit edi.. i havw lost my online quiz 5 mark edi lor since last time got enrollment problem and kenot log in blackboard. For the evo, gosh 1st time presentation stuck at thr leh.. so xia sui ar..haha.. stand thr and dunnoo how to cont my speech.. i think coz of bad prepration time kenot like this le lor..haha... hmm.. dun k those thing edi lor..forget about it liaw.. holiday luhhh.. one week holiday.. should be interesting holiday.. my kl fren come bek for raya holiday and i thik i gonna hang out with them lor..haha..should be a fun week..Go JingWood for steak den go Mcc for game? haha.. that what we owes do be4..haha.. everytime go out sure tht two spot..i think nvr change be4 bah..haha.. hope this would be an interesting holiday for me lar.. haha.. but still got assignment do leh..realli hope dun owes meeting lor..hehe.. Goshhh.. I turn fat again le... haih haih..haha..last time after big stomach pain slim dwn till 79kg but now increase 5 kg till 84kg!!! wah.. i think in two week time eh.. realli sked me.. dun wan turn fatty again le.. almos over my limit le lor.. haha...Planning to keep fit but ar i am so so soooooooo lazy ar..haha.. Hope another 2 week i wont increase 5kg anymore..if not realli no eye c le..haha.. k la..stopp hereee... hope everyone HAPPY HARI RAYA =)


Sorry for the long hiatus..XD Guess where am I now? Let it be a secret*evil laugh*. Hehehe...This post is not written by real Liew Voon Fung. Okie, bye bye. See u in the next post. Ciao...


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Fung love his life, enjoy his life, hoping the world is wonderful for him